vendredi, octobre 12, 2007

Petit mot de John Bayliss

J'ai reçu ce courriel de John Bayliss... le big boss de Yamaha, je trouvais ça pas mal pro de sa part étant donné que je ne suis plus avec Yamaha! Il était présent tout au long de la fin de semaine de course et a donc assisté à toutes les courses:

Hello Genevieve,

I just wanted to congratulate you on a great weekend of racing ... you are even faster now than last year. I watched you leading both the women's cup races... 2nd place in AM600... nice work !! I was soooo slow it was embarrassing but I still had fun. I am very impressed with how fast just about all the women racers are !!!

I also heard over the PA system that your husband is in Afghanistan... that is a very special commitment... I will assume he is part of the Van Doos. The son of one of our staff members was in Afghanistan 2 years ago. I remember your husband from "R" Days... 2 canes, one in each hand.

Good luck & congratulations,

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit...

le coeur m'aurait bin arrêter recevoir un mail d'un Bayliss.... mais malheureusement c'est pas Troy Bayliss ... hihi...

mais très cool de la part du boss de yam...
